Duration 8:46


1 588 watched
Published 4 Aug 2023

00:00:00 - What the video in this episode is about 00:00:37 - What the main 3 topics in this video «How Lives Crimean Tatars in «Putin’s Crimea» 00:00:54 - What happened with us in the early days of Russian invasion of Ukraine? 00:01:38 - What we are doing here in NYC? #crimeantatarfoundation #razomforukraine 00:02:01 - How we organized an event about Crimean Tatatrs #manhattan #nyccrimeantatars 00:02:34 - Why Crimean Tatars were among the most ardent opponents of Russian invasion of Crimea in 2014 00:02:44 -How Russia oppresses Muslims in Crimea 00:03:11 - Genocide of the Crimean Tatars by Russia at 1944. How was it and how many people were dead during this genocide 00:03:55 - Persecution of Crimean Tatars and How Russia imprisons Crimean Tatar activists and pro-Ukrainian activists #narimandzhelyalov #ibragimov #ervinibragimov #reshatametov 00:04:12 - How a Crimean Tatar was brutally murdered by Russia's federal service 00:04:36 - what the main Russian message to everyone of Crimean Tatar 00:04:48 - #Auschwitz in Crimea with the Crimean Tatar people 00:04:55 - How the number of Crimean Tatar political prisoners in Russia exceeds the number of Russian political prisoners 00:05:15 - How Crimean Tatar media outlets were shut down and how language is being destroyed #atr #crimeantatarsmedia 00:05:27 - How #Mejlis was declared extremist and disband 00:05:41 - How statistics on deaths during the deportation of Crimean Tatars 00:05:47 - How Russia banned Crimean Tatars from holding Crimean Tatar Genocide Commemoration Day 00:06:10 - Why the war in Ukraine 00:06:34 - How in Crimea the FSB tortures Crimean Tatars with electric shocks (victim of electric shocks)./watch/QOrqZnedHNqdq What kind of Russian laws in Crimea. 00:06:50 - How our ancestors suffer from the memories of a brutal genocide 00:07:03 - How Crimean Tatars are again undergoing repression from Russians and why we as grandchildren of our ancestors are starting from scratch for the third time 00:08:07 - Why do we want the whole World to know about the atrocities of the Russians in Ukraine and why do we peacefully go to the restoration of the rights of the indigenous people of Crimea. 00:08:20 - subscribe 00:08:45 - the End Now our people are overcoming difficult times - another test of annihilation. We want to DESTROY Russian propaganda against Crimean Tatars, Ukrainians and Ukraine. We exist in the media space thanks to your views and recommendations. We will be grateful for your support, it helps us to be independent and devote more time to new content! David Coates - the voice in this video. INFORMATION FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO SUPPORT OUR PROJECT: Моно гривна: 4441 1144 6558 7556 Моно доллар: 5375 4188 0942 8923 Моно евро: 5375 4199 0693 4169 💳 Для разовых донейтов - наша карта Mono-банка : https://send.monobank.ua/jar/8Nj7SD4LHg ✅🔥/watch/Qdt0xY7hcf1h0 - ПОЧЕМУ КРЫМСКИЙ ХАН СЖЁГ МОСКВУ / Хан Девлет Гирай и князь Иван Грозный / Zera Zarema ✅💰/watch/Qr_D-gSWEoGWD - КАК МОСКОВИЯ ПЛАТИЛА ДАНЬ КРЫМСКОМУ ХАНСТВУ 300 ЛЕТ / ZERA ZAREMA ✅♊️/watch/8neViGWHxbVHV - КАК ОТЛИЧИТЬ КРЫМСКИХ ТАТАР ОТ КРЫМСКИХ ТАТАР / РАЗЛИЧИЯ / КЪЫРЫМЛЫ / Zera Zarema ✅📚/watch/INqqgjuUIiyUq - ЗАЧЕМ ЗНАТЬ ИСТОРИЮ КРЫМСКИХ ТАТАР. ВОЗРОЖДЕНИЕ НАРОДА / Zera Zarema ✅ /watch/8T73UI2qcDKq3 СRIMEAN TATARS in Manhattan New York City / Crimea speaks / Zera Zarema ✅/watch/wFSSO5EwvV2wS КРИМСЬКІ ТАТАРИ ПЕРЕД ОБЛИЧЧЯМ ЗВІРСТВА #russia /Crimea Speaks / Zera Zarema / NGO SpaceQ ✅/watch/g9mpVsoVfmDVp КРИМСЬКІ ТАТАРИ. КРИМ. Архів 1990-2012р. Crimea Speaks/ Zera Zarema #crimea ✅👹/watch/8mXNAA6SakHSN - 6 ВЕРСИЙ ПОЧЕМУ СТАЛИН ДЕПОРТИРОВАЛ КОРЕННОЙ НАРОД КРЫМА - КРЫМСКИХ ТАТАР / ZERA ZAREMA ✅🧝‍♂️🤴🏽/watch/Ih5FniW83C28F - КТО ТАКИЕ КРЫМСКИЕ ТАТАРЫ. ПРОИСХОЖДЕНИЕ. ЭТНОГЕНЕЗ / Zera Zarema ✅/watch/43OBFEIvC9OvB КРИМ. КРИМСЬКІ ТАТАРИ 1992 / АРХІВНЕ ВІДЕО Crimea Speaks / Zera Zarema #crimea ВОЗМОЖНО ВАМ БУДЕТ ИНТЕРЕСНО ПОСМОТРЕТЬ: ✅👨🏽‍⚖️/watch/IDpTtgitaHKtT - КУРУЛТАЙ КРЫМСКОТАТАРСКОГО НАРОДА / РАДА /ЗАКОНОПРОЕКТ О КОРЕННЫХ НАРОДАХ УКРАИНЫ / Zera Zarema ✅/watch/slIEWhvZGdcZE - КРЫМСКАЯ ПЛАТФОРМА / ЧТО ДУМАЮТ УКРАИНЦЫ / ДЖЕМИЛЕВ / BACKSTAGE / ngo spaceq ✅/watch/csotvt68SDA8t - VLOG / ДЕНЬ КРЫМСКОТАТАРСКОГО ФЛАГА / БАЙРАКЪ КУНЮ / ngo spaceq Добро пожаловать на наш канал ZERA ZAREMA Подписывайтесь на наш YouTube канал )


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